The Enigma of Dark Matter
The Enigma of Dark Matter Dark matter is one of the greatest mysteries in modern astrophysics and cosmology. This invisible and elusive substance makes up the majority of the matter in the universe, yet its nature remains largely unknown. Understanding the properties and role of dark matter is crucial for our comprehensive understanding of the cosmos. The Evidence for Dark Matter The existence of dark matter was first inferred through its gravitational effects on the motion of galaxies and the observed structure of the universe. Astronomers have observed that galaxies and galaxy clusters appear to contain much more mass than can be accounted for by the visible matter we can observe, such as stars, gas, and dust. This "missing mass" is believed to be composed of dark matter, which does not emit or reflect light but still exerts a gravitational influence. Key Evidence for Dark Matter- Galactic Rotation Curves: The observed speeds of stars and gas in galaxies are higher than ...